About Us

Devizes, Wiltshire, United Kingdom
Hello there, we are Shawn & Helen Scott. We were lucky enough to aquire 3 1/2" acres of land in Wiltshire. It been a hard slog over the last 12 months as the land was in a terrible mess, basically it was being used as a rubbish tip. But after a lot of work from us, the kids and family we have managed to clear half of it. Our objective/purpose is to create our own small holding and live off the land. To most it is a dream, but to us we are going to make it a reality.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Free Range, TLC, British Saddle Back Pork For Sale

I have limited delicious, free range pork for sale.....Pork will be at it's prime and ready end  of May 2011!!

You cannot say you have had 'free range pork' until you've tried the British Saddleback Pork!! 

OOOO......delicious, mouthwatering, 'clean taste' and that little extra....THE CRACKLING is to die for!!!!!!!

Average 22 kilo's of pork (half a pig) is packed and labled.......belly joints, spare ribs, hocks, leg joints, mince (if required), and so much more!!!

As we are still trying to build on our small 'smallholding' only Wiltshire and West Sussex is free delivery ( family ahh!!!) ....all other counties will be charged mileage for delivery!!........We're sorry but for you 'related SCOTTS'(Scotland)....we do not have the means to travel your way....though as beautiful as your land is.....we're not quite there yet!!!!!

So if you're interested in purchasing the 'ultimate pork' give us a 'call'.......monthly payments also arranged!!.....

Thanks sooooooo much for looking!!!!


The new weaners are doing really well.  They've settled into their new home and find it 'amazing' after living on concrete !!!  The weather though has been unkind and poor Eliza (our breeding sow) is knee deep in mud....not that she's complaining, more us!!!!!
Rosie and Alice (the sheep) are fine and make great 'guard sheep'.......we can here them from the cottage and this alerts us to 'passer by's'!!!lol
All in all we're just praying this rain stops soon sowe can get some work done!!!!!

Have a fantastic fruit cake recipe, for those who prefer to have no peel or nuts in their cake (like me!!)....will post at the w/e!!!!  Watch this space......Thanks for looking!!

Monday, 3 January 2011

Happy New Year and Sorry!!!!!

Hi All, Happy New Year to you all. We are sorry we haven't been very good at keeping our blog updated, but we have now managed to convince our daughter to take over this task as well as our facebook page. Well the recent weather put us back a bit down the Holding, but we struggled through. Two of our pigs went to slaughter at the end of November for bacon and gammon joints. We must say that we were very impressed with our butcher. The joints were first class and to be honest within a week of getting them back from the butcher everything was sold. Sadly though we didn't get to keep a good freezer full for ourselves. We are only three days into the New Year and we have been working our fingers to the bone in getting more of the land cleared and making way for all of our new arrivals. The first arrivals were picked up yesterday 2/1/2011. Four new saddleback weaners, only 8 weeks old. They have spent the first eight weeks of their lives in a concrete floored pen, so they were a little subdued when we introduced them to their new home. But they have settled in and are exploring. We have a lot of new projects coming up and this year 2011 will be a fantastic and exciting time.

Thursday, 9 September 2010

New Arrivals - Dorset Down Polls

Thanks to Craig and Jayne we now have two new arrivals at Greenwood, two lovely Dorset Down Poll Ewes. After Helen and Craig drove down to Taunton, they came back with these two 5month old ewes. They didn't get back to 9pm and it was pitch black, didn't take long though to get them unloaded and settled in. Further updates will follow. Next project to start the haven for the Ex-Battery Hens.

Friday, 3 September 2010

'Flushing'!!?? No not the toilet!!

Helen and Buddy (our black labrador) have been scouring the land today!  Buddy managed to 'flush' out 4 pheasants, 1 hare and a very peeved off family cat!!! (sorry Tommy!)
But they did bring home, wild plums, sloes and blackberries, all to go in the Greenwood delights....Hot Spiced Plum Chutney, Sloe Gin and Vodka and the old favourite..Blackberry and Apple Crumble..Yummy.....
Eliza (our breeding sow) will be AI'd in about 3weeks time, can't wait, hopefully piglets will be due in January..(Helen hopes it will be around the 15th for her birthday!!)  meanwhile Jordan, her daughter, will be AI'd in Jan/Feb for her first litter......exciting times ahead!!!!!

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Foraging on the land today!!  WOW!  8lb of juicy Damson's, a good bucket full of Cobnuts, Elderberries are ripening nicely and a few more days for the wild plums!! Can't wait......trying a new recipe for Damson Jam..we'll let you know how it goes, and if it's any good we'll post the recipe on the blog.
Rabbit traps have been laid and we know they are there, but as of yet 'no show'....we'll get you 'pesky vermit'!!!!!  Watch this space......................

Sunday, 29 August 2010

We have had a very productive day down the land today. Parents are down and they gave us the drive to carry on clearing. Dad and Helen made a nice fire and started to clear all the rotten wood. Mum spent all the day in the Polytunnel tending to all the tomatoes and peppers. Me, as usual clearing all the rubbish. Special finds today include, slow worm, toad, Adder and proof that we have rabbits. Luke go get me traps!!!! We'll see if they are productive.